Thursday, July 2, 2009

Soup in Summer...

I don't know why, but I've been in the mood for soup and chili; pretty much all of the foods that you would make in the fall and winter. I'm not sure why, since we had a week solid of upper 80's/90 degree weather. 

I got a new cookbook the other day and have not even made it halfway through the book and
 have found a dozen recipes that I felt like I had to devour the second I read about them and a
 dozen or so more that I wanted to try. I ran to Walmart (my home away from home lately it seems) and picked up some ingredients to make a soup that sounded delish. It is called 'Sassy Salsa Pumpkin Soup', and let me tell you, it did not disappoint. I ate a bowl full for a late lunch and then took some to work with me. 

I've been on a healthy food/recipe kick lately. It's been going okay so far. The only issue I've discovered is that I've never dealt with some of these ingredients before. :/ Oh well, I'm learning things. What I really need to learn is motivation to work out everyday. That I don't quite have the hang of yet. I bet that would help me drop those extra 10 lbs I want to lose. You think? 

I'll let you know if there are anymore must eat recipes I run across. :)


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